
This blog is for anyone who is looking for meaning, striving to live a life worth living.

I started this blog on the 6 month anniversary of losing the love of my life.  He was a man who loved life and whose time on earth was ended much too soon. We had so many plans, an endless bucket list of things we were going to do, places we were going to visit.  I feel like he was robbed of his future.  My future with him was stolen, but for P's sake I am determined to reclaim my life.  It won't be the same. Nothing will never be the same.  But I've come to realise that it's up to me, and me alone, to build a new life. 

This blog will inevitably focus on my experiences as a young widow, but I hope that others who have lost a love one (a sibling, friend, mother or father, grandparent, colleague, etc) will be able to find some comfort in my words. And perhaps together we will be able to pull each other out of the pits of despair and start to live again.